RoadActive Suspension vs Airbags
Because of market size and demand, RoadActive Suspension(RAS) is most often compared to Air Bags or traditional helper type suspension upgrades. While the Active Suspension system certainly reduces rear squat, it does so much more. Simply comparing RAS with Air Bag/Helper Type suspension upgrades is not a true apples-to-apples comparison. Put simply, RoadActive Suspension offers all the same benefits as Air Bags, helper springs, sway bars, and traction bars, all in one unique product. Tuned and matched for each pickup truck size, the variable rated tension coil spring applies proportionate to force that is applied. This simple yet brilliant concept, coupled with proven high quality components, translates to it being one of the most well rounded suspension upgrades on the market

Basic Comparison

Still Thinking About Air Bags? Here’s What Else You Will Need…
Here is a list Do's and Don'ts you’ll need to abide by in order keep your newly purchased air bag kit in running order. It is important to check air pressure weekly, inspect air bags for any rub marks or abnormalities and keep the air bags clean of dirt or debris. It is also important to check air lines periodically for any signs of leaks. If you didn't purchase the on-board controller with compressor, you'll also need to find an air compressor to manually apply and reduce pressure accordingly as you add and subtract weight.
Product Comparison

Apples to Apples
Now we can compare the true costs and benefits of the RAS kit with the competition.
- AirBag w/Compressor + Shop Labor: $1,900
- RAS + Shop Labor: $689
- RAS DIY: $589
Why mess with anything other than a RoadAction Suspension kit?
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